We are highlighting a few of our stallholders with a "behind the scenes" look into who they are and their creative journey. We hope you enjoy learning a bit about the humans behind the products.
Tell us a little about yourself and your creative journey…

My son's dribbling was immense and I couldn't find a solution. I asked my Mum to make some smaller bibs but instead she gave me her sewing machine and after a week or so I designed a functional bib. I wasn't a sewer and they were of an average quality but after my coffee group requested some, my sewing improved. They quickly became popular so I registered as a company and threw everything at it, it grew fast. The first market I attended was Encraftment back in 2011, which helped with my confidence and helped me become a part of the crafting/small business scene.
I haven't looked back, Bibbles will be 14 in February.
I have made many friends and connections during my time attending the Encraftment Market, it has become a wonderful meeting place for our small businesses and the energy is always high. The team organise and advertise perfectly, bringing thousands of people together to enjoy and appreciate quality handmade products. Encraftment has always been my favourite market to connect with customers and to also support other small businesses, by buying all the things!
For me, the most important thing was the balance between raising a young family and building a great business. Bibbles grew as my children did and once my youngest was at school I could focus on the business more and more. I believe you need a lot of focus, great time management and mostly you require the passion to become successful.
Check out Bibbles at:
Website: http://www.bibbles.co.nz